Tuesday, September 18, 2007

What Is The Best Upconverting Blue Ray Player


years in search of new countries where we can invest with better results than those that currently can be obtained in Italy . At first I did some research in order to understand where and what it can do, and after this first phase that led me to identify Latin America as an area of \u200b\u200bgreat interest, I began to select the most interesting sectors.
with all updates, visit: http://www.ilnuovomondo.org

I considered appropriate (for obvious logistical reasons) to reduce the two countries on which to place my interest, and specifically on Argentina and the Dominican Republic. The reasons that led me to concentrate on the latter are: the strong growth that now have the ease of relationships with the local population, and, for the Dominican Republic, we wanted to take advantage of being already in place as builders.

The most important sectors and therefore those taken into consideration are the construction industry (which in both countries has a strong development) and agriculture or cattle (which gives very good results in Argentina). You can also create activities with the purpose of export of agricultural products and beef.


After the 2001 economic crisis, the country is going through a period of continuous growth, second only in importance to ' Asia. But we must consider that, unlike the latter, Argentina has some advantages. First, the devaluation of local currency, which broke away from parity with the U.S. dollar and is now third. In addition, the seasons reversed from Europe give the advantage of the harvest when it is winter in Europe. Consumer prices are higher, the English language is easy to understand, religion is Roman Catholicism is widespread (albeit in small percentages) knowledge of the Italian language, the people of Argentina is mostly of Italian origin, of European culture. More than once I happened to meet new people and hear that Argentina is as if we were at home, since everyone has a close relative of Italian origin and therefore we should feel as one people.

Today Buenos Aires is one of the capital with the lowest property prices in the world (whereas before 2001 were very più alti); ciò fa in modo che sia conveniente comprare immobili che danno una buona resa sia come affitto per i turisti che come rivalutazione nel tempo dello stesso. Di maggiore interesse è sicuramente il settore agricolo e quello dell'allevamento, grazie all'elevata qualità dei suo prodotti (carne bovina, frutta, vigneti nella provincia di Mendoza). Non da meno è il settore minerario della provincia di Còrdoba ed altro ancora.

Questi le migliori ipotesi d'investimento per le aree in oggetto:

  1. comprare delle grosse aziende (anche da migliaia di ettari) che, anche solo venendo frazionate e rivendute or leased to local farmers make a good profit.

  2. buy companies that can be improved, for example through the creation of water wells, fences or conversion of production (vineyards, olive groves) of land and so on. At that point you can resell or rent with good earnings.

  3. buy land and build a herd of cattle, an activity that requires much effort and a constant presence.

  4. by cattle or by a farm, you can create an export market to Europe, America or other countries.

Tra l'ottobre del 2006 e Marzo del 2008 mi sono recato personalmente diverse volte in Argentina con lo scopo approfondire contatti con persone che potessero essere di aiuto in progetti di futura realizzazione, e allo stesso tempo andare a verificare personalmente tutte quelle occasioni che avevo studiato dal Italia. Tutto ciò ha fatto sì che ad oggi io possa contare sulla collaborazione di persone con le quali sono costantemente in contatto e stiamo insieme selezionando delle aziende da acquistare. Tutti i terreni e le aziende che noi stiamo valutando o trattando sono di prima mano, ovvero sono riservate al mercato interno, non reperibile certamente su Internet; durante questi viaggi ho acquistato 23 lotti di terreno edificabile, per i quali attualmente sto provvedendo alla realizzazione dei progetti per la costruzione di 20 ville e un hotel.

Un grande punto di forza mi è fornito dal fatto che posso contare sul supporto di persone che già operano nel settore dell' import/export. Questo è un grande vantaggio per me, in quanto esportare dall'Argentina non è molto semplice.

Repubblica Dominicana

Da tempo facciamo ricerche su questo paese e abbiamo preso contatti con diverse persone a vario titolo. Nella Repubblica Domenicana the area of \u200b\u200binterest is certainly the building, which is now in a period of boom, and even the Dominican people is going through a recovery phase, which makes it interesting also build houses for local people.

We are currently building the tourism residence on behalf of others, my partner moved to follow the activity, and taking advantage of what I have established contacts to search for investment interest. Between 3 and 10 of this month I went personally to the Dominican Republic to start negotiations on a number of building sites that I think are very interesting.

In the Dominican Republic we can safely say that we have knowledge in the field as already working on site with engineers and local companies, and of course all the armature and the relationship with the supply of building materials.


As a demonstration, an example of port investment in the construction sector in the Dominican Republic is a land purchase in a town 5 km from the sea, at a cost $ 50 per square meter of total area of \u200b\u200b2,000 square meters. (For a total di100.000 dollars).

On this surface you can build 3000 square meters at a cost of about $ 250 per meter, giving a total construction cost of $ 750,000. Adding up the cost of land, the total investment was $ 850,000, while the total value of the building made over $ 1,500,000, with an income of at least $ 650,000 in about 18 months, which serve to complete the whole process from ' purchase of the land until the sale of individual properties.

Another example in Argentina could be the purchase of an extension of land to create a herd of cattle. 1000 to breed cattle are about a thousand acres of land to be purchased at an average price of market at approximately 300/400.000 dollars. For cattle however, you should insert a few heads and wait for it to reproduce, to that end we must consider that each cow produces about one calf a year and that they, the value of $ 200 each, giving a revenue of $ 200,000 per year gross , which must be added the yield of milk production and appreciation of the earth over time.

Hoping to have been exhaustive and to have explained clearly what is described above, I inform you that we will cover in the private projects and studies in progress, with descriptions, costs and revenues and what is necessary for the execution of works. For privacy reasons I have deleted the photo CD containing photos attached the majority of people, the same photos can be viewed from another CD in my possession where you can better see the yard and other various jobs.

You can also find more information about http://www.ilnuovomondo.org


Sunday, August 19, 2007

Best Golf Rangefinder 2009


There is only one way to make a change to the usual humdrum life and without a secure future, especially in the workplace:


Contrary to what one might believe it is safe and it performs well, it also gives the opportunity to travel.

We do not choose to be born, but we can choose where and how to live, and we may find that traveling is a part of the world tailored to each of us.

all updates http://www.ilnuovomondo.org

For two years now I work in search of investment property and I realized how different a place than as tells the people or our TV, it happens in fact, to get to a place and realize that we Italians are the last in the list of investors and then we lose all the best bargains, which do not escape American, British, French, English and so on.
The list of every place is always long, but we Italians are always at the bottom.

The web is full of authoritative sites that talk about it, just have a little time and you can read up, I personally I can provide dozens of links, then there are many sites that offer services, but unlike them I just want to sell you a something like a firm ground for an apartment, I will not try to sell people something, but I look for someone who believes in what I said and wants to collaborate on projects municipalities to invest in together and earn together, having a loving family while traveling can not divide and be in several places at once, so that is fine if I have someone who helps me and has my same interest.

I am a craftsman building, although my income is among the lowest, I can not be satisfied by what my country gives me, so two years ago I started getting interested in investing abroad, the more I informed, the more I realized how many opportunities they offer.
The world is full of opportunities, just pick them!

I wrote this blog because I am convinced that there are other people interested to travel and invest, and I personally have bought land in Argentina, also in September 2007 I will travel to Santo Domingo, where I expect the Italian friends that are in place to build resorts, and we will give on-site investment.

Under the projects, those interested in collaborating can contact the following numbers

e-mail: giuseppe.vitiritti @ fastwebnet.it admin@ilnuovomondo.org

site: http:/ / www.ilnuovomondo.org

fax: 0362 476760

cell. 3382578888 3938233686

We need motivated people who want to work with us to grow and invest for their future, traveling and investing in a smart way earns much more than making the employee or the craftsman in Italy. Even just for information,