Tuesday, October 21, 2008

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winning a regular contract with property occupied what must be done with the tenant, since you own and you feel the rent?

If we become owners of a property occupied by the lease enforceable because the procedure was concluded prior to foreclosure, the rent becomes attributable to the contractor from the date of the transfer decree that is issued by a court of 'running after the payment of the price and costs. It should be noted that with the seizure, according to the prevailing case law, the lease is automatically canceled order and, therefore, if you want to proceed with the lease should a new contract, while, it would be appropriate to communicate the running for the tenant paying the rent and its intentions regarding the contract.
(Domenico Panetta)

Monday, October 13, 2008

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How are the condo fees paid on a property bought at auction proceedings.

The law provides that the condo fees for the current year and previous meet jointly the old and the new owner, so it is possible that, until the date of the evacuation of the premises, Monthly fees remain unpaid and are required by the administrator to the new owner who is entitled to claim the executive.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

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Evolution Rise of a Profession in and too often the victim of unfair competition.

Sell home can often be more complicated than expected. Do it yourself may seem at first sight as the most interesting because it involves saving the commission requests the agency. But the problems are many and it may happen that after having spent three times as long that would take a real estate professional, some cost and effort, you end up selling at a price that also added to the savings of the commission is lower than that would have erupted through an agent. At worst, it may not be able to make the sale in proprio ad essere poi obbligati, dopo aver perso del tempo, a rivolgersi comunque ad una agenzia.  Licio Annibali della Fiaip Ravenna dice che l'interesse di chi vende non è certo quello di evitare di pagare la provvigione ad un agente immobiliare, quanto quello di ottenere il massimo dalla vcendita in tempi ragionevolmenti brevi.
L'importante è quindi cercare un agente serio, professionale e affidabile che offra al cliente una valutazione equa ed equilibrata dell'immobile, tenendo conto delle effetive esigenze di chi vende.
Gli agenti non seri che tentano solo di ottenere il mandato, sono disponibili ad assecondare i desideri e le illusioni di chi vende, ben sapendo che con il passare del tempo il cliente dovrà passare a più miti consigli. L'agente serio  oltre ad avere i requisiti stabiliti dalla legge, deve offrire una serie di garanzie aggiuntive, con contrattualistica e comportamenti improntati alla massima chiarezza.
Per controllare l'iscrizione al ruolo di mediatore alla Camera di Commercio, basta farsi esibire il "tesserino" e controllare i dati, foto e scadenza. Una garanzia in più e poi l'iscrizione a uno dei tre sindacati immobiliari Fiaip, Fimaa e Anama
Da ricordare inoltre che in  Italia solo il 30-35 per cento delle compravendite passa per agenzie, contro l'80% degli Stati Uniti e il 50% della Francia.  In America inoltre esistono corsi di laurea professionali per operatori immobiliari, e in Francia nel 1986 è entrata in vigore una completa regolamentazione per le agenzie immobilari.
In Italia, grazie al lavoro delle associazioni qualcosa sta sensibilmente cambiando, anche se si considera che la più grande fetta del mercato è in mano a professionisti, architetti e geometri che percepiscono provvigioni ben superiori a quelle delle agenzie.

Monday, October 6, 2008

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Gli Emirati Arabi sorgono in un assolato e caldo lembo di deserto delimitato, one part state of 'Oman, the other by the Arabian Sea on which overlooks the Gulf.

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Thursday, October 2, 2008

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In an estate sale with magic, if the property is occupied by the executive, is to be considered free? The government will release him?

If the property sold at auction is occupied by the executive shall be deemed free . The transfer decree that is issued by the enforcement court after the contractor has paid the price and expenditure, is entitled to the release of the property if the debtor voluntarily releases the Executive. This means that the successful bidder after it has formally ordered the release to the debtor under the decree to transfer, you can contact directly to the bailiff for execution of the eviction. This execution is not subject to the ranking provided by the finite leases for residential purposes but has precedence over these.
(Domenico Panetta)