Thursday, July 15, 2010

Short Vertical Antennas Antennas


The Flinston family in vacanza.......ovvero Lady Cocca family in vacanza!!!!!
MAGARIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII fosse vero, ma mi piace pensarlo e quest'immagine rispecchia molto me e la mia famiglia!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ma torniamo alla realtà.....
In questi giorni di afa bestiale, nella mia mente rimbalza sempre e solo un ritornello....La ricordate la canzone di Giuni Russo...Un'estate al mare??
And 'the continuous ..... my mind constantly repeats ....
"A summer at sea eh eh eh eh
want to paddle
swim off oh oh
to see from afar
umbrellas oni oni
summer sea eh eh eh eh

style resort with a life jacket eh eh eh
for fear of drowning

this summer we'll go to the sea
mad with the desire to row
do a little bathroom off oh oh
to watch from afar ....
umbrellas oni oni ...

Perhaps the unbridled desire to go on vacation? Or the knowledge that this year's holiday .... mah .... who knows if it ever arrive??
Ahhhhh, no I can not go on like this. unfortunately .... causa lavoro ed imprevisti le vacanze si allontanano sempre più...mi toccherà rimanere in città a guardare tutti che partono, morire dal caldo e alla fine dovrò anche cambiare ritornello....forse più adatto alla ricordate i mitici Righeira??
Chi è una bambina come me se li ricorda perfettamente ahahaha....
e allora si parte con .....:
L'estate sta finendo
e un anno se ne va .......!!!!!

In ogni caso almeno per un pò dovrò lasciarvi!!!
Non so se ci avete fatto caso ma in quest'ultimo periodo non riesco a venire a trovare nessuno di voi!!
Il tempo è sempre più risicato ed il caldo influisce a scappare dal no non si puo' spend hours and hours sitting watching a monitor to melt!
So I decided to close the blog for at least a little bit ...... we will meet again after August when everything is calmer .... and hope that I can also tell you some little trip!

I wish you happy holidays to all and we shall meet again

Friday, July 9, 2010

Mandingo And Cytherea


Finally came the long awaited .... hot sultry calm ... ... and ... a lot of sleep, but just so, not want to cook!!
And since you can not stand fast all .... but everyone, poor unfortunate that with 40 degrees in the shade was forced to stand there in a burst of 5 square meters with a lot of hot burning stove or even the evil oven, we opt for speedy meals .... very fresh and light! !

I am no less ... well, to give free rein to a touch of masochism in me in these days of muggy, my son said: "But excuse me why go to a beauty salon for the sauna fine and spend money when we can take advantage of our small kitchen and more instead of looking at those four walls of wood you can see grow and brown, something different, delicious and very yum yum ?"...., then. ... I turned on the fornoooooooooooo!
Ahahahaha ... I wanted to kill ... ahahahha .... but then sank into the forks ... what??
Simple: in a great ... ... crispy and light .....

Crumble goat cheese and zucchini

x 8 Ingredients:
  • 8 medium zucchini
  • robiola
  • 250 g 150 g white flour 10 g
  • semolina flour 80 g butter
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 3 sprigs fresh mint
  • a sprinkling of chili pepper salt
Preheat the oven to 180 ° C.
Cut the butter into chunks and let soften at room temperature.
Wash the zucchini, pat dry, remove the ends and cut with a potato peeler or mandolin with 8 thin slices lengthwise.
scald 2 minutes in boiling water, drain and line on a kitchen towel.
Grate the rest of the zucchini with a grater with large holes, put the pulp obtained in a colander and press with your palm or with a spoon to release the liquid to vegetation.
Transfer the mixture into a bowl, combine the semolina flour and stir.
Rinse the mint, pull the leaves, chop coarsely and add to zucchini.
Mix well.
Cut the cheese into cubes and mix to the mixture of zucchini.
In a bowl sift the flour, add the butter, salt, pepper and work with your fingertips until you have a large crumbs.
Pour the oil and mix well.
Lightly grease a baking dish or 8 cocottine portions and transferred into the mixture of zucchini.
Cover evenly with the crumbs of flour and bake for at least 25 minutes.
coverage must form a crumb crust golden and crisp.
The result will be ....

Serve crumble warm and cutlery at the center of each dish a slice of zucchini rolled and sprinkled with chilli powder.
has a delicate flavor and is great ... a different dish! On

newspaper where I got this recipe was a box that says ... .. tasty Idea the eye .... and there fell in preparing tasty crumble I followed this idea, that I added to the mixture of zucchini 100 grams of ham into cubes and not having the robiola I used a mix of cheeses flavor : Provola and fontina, without altering the delicate flavor of zucchini!

Well ... trust me ... this small change has made it even more appetizing!
We have appreciated and you??
Ciaooooooo Lady Cocca

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Audiovox Portable 9 Inch

a special place ... THE ANSWER OF MR. PAUL! SARAH KAY

you remember the contest organized by Mara of Pan Panna " Two traditions in a swap "?
you remember the recipe in which I participated: The Truffle Vercellese ! A delicate sweet
I met with her ... Alessia of Thyme and Marjoram !
Ale before you send me the ingredients and the recipe went to visit Mr. Paul Baglieri holder pastry Follis di Vercelli, una delle più antiche pasticcerie della città!!
Il sig. Bagliero riferì ad Alessia che " La Tartufata non  ha origini territoriali riconosciute ma è tradizione della pasticceria Follis dal 1904, per questo motivo spesso viene identificata come specialità vercellese. Resta comunque , assieme ai Bicciolani, una nostra specialità consolidata!!"
Quindi immaginate un pò come potevo sentirmi leggendo le parole del sig. Paolo.....che responsabilità, dovevo fare un buon lavoro così usci fuori ciò che già avete letto e riletto QUI . .....!!!!!
Ale mi disse che avrebbe mandato il link della torta al sig. Paolo per far vedere my work ... I said "Ok ...!!!", for me is fine but I did not imagine that this person was never really in my blog to see the cake! Well
friends a few days later I received an email from Alessia that says ....." That's the response of Mr Paul! "

"Alessia Good evening, I saw the blog of Lydia with the execution of the truffle and I must say it was a truly remarkable job.
Despite the lack of the tools you need her friend has created a beautiful cake!
The tours offer my congratulations, I am only sorry not to have tasted a portion ....!!
And congratulations also to the extensive and lively comunity.
Thanks for the link, and when he wants to ask a few more straight as well, for me it is a pleasure
Now we are on holiday until July 22.
Sincerely yours.
you soon!
Paul. "

........... What a joy to receive the compliments of the owner of those cakes .... who know and have invented this sweet ... wowowwowowowowowoooo!!
HONOR THAT ........
And I can only say:
So imagine my joy??
was stelleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Thanks to Ale for this wonderful experience ....
ciaoooooooo Lady Cocca