HALLOWEEN AND 'THE PAST .... BUT MONSTERS SON BACK!! Uhhhhhhhhhh ........ Pauuuuraaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!
Although Halloween has gone for days, the monsters are still present in my photo folder, and whenever one of them is open almost to want to come out .... they say: "Come on .... you're post-acute Forgot?? Uhhhhhhh ..... and we will do fear! "
Ahahahahah .... fear?? Noooooo!!
I enjoyed them a lot .... my goodness, how many and how many I have baked that day, and imagine the smiling face of the little critters that the "Trick or treat" could be seen presentare questi biscottini!!!
Troppo simpatici e mostruosi, le dita...orrende...sul tavolo c'erano 200 dita in fila e man mano che le decoravo con il rosso per simulare il sangue, mi schifavo da sola....gli altri mostriciattoli, invece è stato carinissimo decorarli!!
E così oggi ho deciso di postarli ugualmente, almeno così non sento più nessuna vocina che mi urla dietro e condivido con voi qualche sorriso!!!
Sono dei semplicissimi biscotti di frolla al cioccolato, i
Chocolate Butter biscuits di Valentina Gigli , ottimi davvero e come stampi ho usato quelli della
Guardini !
While the recipe for fingers
find it HERE
, and that of
gourds HERE .
Biscuits Halloween
- 00
- 500g flour 60 g cocoa powder 400g lightly salted butter
- 200 g powdered sugar 4 egg yolks
Sift the flour into a bowl with the cocoa. In planetary
put the flour, cocoa and butter cold cut into small pieces, left to work with the whisk leaves, until you get a sandy compound.
Now add the sugar and egg yolks and then mix everything until dough is compact!
Let rest in refrigerator for about an hour.
When spread lightly knead with your hands before using the rolling pin.
Do not use too much flour to the work because it could change the mix.
So roll out the pastry until you reach a thickness of 4 -5 mm, and create the bioscotti with the forms you need.
Infornate a 160°C per 15 - 20 minuti circa.
Lasciateli freddare e poi passate alla decorazione utilizzando pasta di zucchero o glassa.
Una volta decorati i biscotti si conservano bene, in una scatola di latta, per circa una settimana.
Io vi assicuro che il risultato è ottimo...ora non vi resta che liberare la fantasia.....
Fantasmini, Pipistrelli e Cappelli
Gli occhioni di Hugo..il Gufetto!!!
Orribili teschi...
e. .. Skeletons!
Now it's up to you .... free your Fantasiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!
... Good job to the next Lady Cocca.
I take this opportunity to thank
Lally that left me the torch relay of this wonderful, and I explain the simple rules for participation:
- create a post by inserting the logo of the relay 14 and invite the blogging that you would like to know better;
- post the 8 questions below,
- respond to the same post on your
When asked what you wanted from small to large do you reply? architect or painter .....
What were your favorite cartoons? Napo Orso Capo ... Super Gulp (some of you remember them?) ... Beautiful Mimi and the girls volleyball ... etc etc
What were your favorite games? I was a tomboy! I like to create ... blowpipe with the wheelchair race of the wood or skateboarding ... Elastic game ... the castle and many other games shared mainly with men .. to the delight of my father that one day he came and told me "But why not play with dolls ???""
ahahahaha ..
4 .
What is your birthday was the best and why? Well I think anyone ... it saddens me that day ... but if I have to choose one maybe my 40 years!
5 .
What are the things I absolutely wanted to do and you have not already done? An exhibition of my paintings .... a trip to Finland or Australia!
6. What was your first passione sportiva e non? Pallavolo...pallavolo sempre e solo pallavolo!!!
7.Quale è stato il vostro primo idolo musicale? Freddy Mercury...ho pianto alla sua morte!!
8. Qual’è stato la cosa più bella chiesta (ed eventualmente ricevuta) a Babbo Natale, Gesù Bambino, Santa Lucia? Nessuna....non ho mai avuto richieste particolari se non un pò d'affetto!!!
Ora dovrei scegliere le 14 blogger a cui passare la staffetta; ma credo che molte di voi l'abbiano già ricevuta, quindi passo il testimone a chiunque non l'abbia ancora fatta ed ha piacere a descriversi un po'....
I look forward to reading your answers!