Ecco, tutto è cominciato così...con questo messaggio, lasciato on his Facebook profile ... very mysterious ... so much for me to comment: " - 24 what?? that Vord ??"
With her we had heard just last week, but I'm not too worried ... it was busy at work and many things had to end, before his boss decided to close the studio for the holidays.
But that " -24" ... do not abandon me ... I sounded strange and so the next day the first thing I did was to go see if I had answered!
But nothing ... no answer!
So, after having launched an epithet ... very nice ... to be reported here (eheheheheheh. ...), I continued my day.
At 16.22 (eheheheh. .. I have kept all the sms !!!), I get a message from him: "Teso are you doing? I am studying, I have my head explodes ..."
And I said, "I'm making a chocolate cake without butter and eggs, I hope to be good and above all make me nervous to spend. Ah, that means - 24? (Mica I had forgotten! :-)). I
answered candidly, that was the number of drawings to be delivered by Saturday ....
So, I called work ... sadly .... dinner normal Afternoon Then wash dishes .... ... ..... around 21.15 ... ...
suona il a rispondere mio figlio, me lo passa dicendomi che vogliono me... "CHI E' ?? "
e dall'altro lato: " La torta, l'hai mangiata tutta o me ne hai lasciato una fetta ??" .... SILENZIO ...
per almeno 10 lunghissimi secondi...perchè avevo riconosciuto la sua non credevo alle mie orecchie!!! Ad un tratto ho cominciato a piangere e ad urlare : "Mio Dioooo, non ci posso credere...mio Dio, non ci posso credere..." e tutto questo, con grande spavento di mio marito, che mi correva dietro, non riuscendo a capire cosa fosse successo e la gran paura di un vicino di house, I heard screaming from in front of his landing ... and from which I took an MA Vaffa ... when I heard shouting: "I can not .... LIDIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA CREDEREEEE!! " ...
Imagine the scene ... we are in a tight embrace that ended more crying .... my Lilly, my dear Lydia, finally hugged me!!
could not believe it ... I had imagined our meeting, many times and now there he was, in my arms!! Our
, now seemed an Odyssey!
Certainly, the most affectionate of you will remember our history and our despair, never to be successful, or for one reason or per un altro, ad abbracciarci, per quasi due anni!!
In quel momento, avevo voglia di gridarlo al mondo intero e ho cominciato a mandare messaggi per dare la meravigliosa notizia, almeno alle due persone, che sapevano quanto ho tribolato, in questi due anni per abbracciare Lidia, le mie amiche Antonella e Patty.
Ecco cosa significava quel " -24 "... erano le ore che la separavano da me !!!
Ma cosa era successo?
Semplice... Lidia, si era messa d'accordo, per farmi la sorpresa, con quel figlio di buona madre sicula (che poi sarei io!!!ehehehe...) di mio figlio.
Era l'unico a sapere tutto e da ben 15 gg...."Masculo siculo doc" e di "panza" il mio Gabry!!!
E 'was great ... phenomenal ... so that he could surprise!
not thank him enough that my son's life ...
whole evening, I watched and Lydia could not believe my eyes ... I said that maybe I was doing a beautiful dream and that soon I would wake up ... and instead was standing in front of me, with his smile, his laughter ... his dark green eyes ... my ... my sweet Lydia "Ulysses" my beloved ... " zita " (girlfriend), as we jokingly call Paul and Anthony ...
First night, sleepless TOTALLY! We started talking and we realized the time, when he was just dawning ...
coffee and breakfast ... so ...
How wonderful! At that moment I ALL !!!!...
no awkwardness between us ... she was there and was part of me ... my life .... my home ... my family ... as if there was ever!
can not imagine what brought me NOT ... EFFESSSSS ! (Lilly. ... that you translate it! Ehehehehe ...). We looked at Cibus in Milan! I think that if he could, I would take all power! Ahahahaha ... I filled the fridge CAP ... there not even a pin came more !!!...
Carrela food, gifts .. e.. Laughter ... ah ... almost missing the whole "Strazza, a delicious bread with black pepper and a huge bag of fresh mozzarella and delicious, and almost all stracciatella and taralli ahahhahah .... ... We had already begun to try ....

La settimana è trascorsa tranquillissima, serena ed allegra....quante risate!!! Mi ci voleva proprio, una settimana così!!! In quei giorni ero molto giù, perchè sapevo che lei nn sarebbe potuta scendere (ottava nana!!!! ahahhahh...) ed io non sarei potuta salire da lei...e pensavo che sarebbe stata la solita estate...triste, calda e desolata...Ed invece...E' proprio vero: MAI DIRE MAI nella vita!!!
Unico inconveniente di questa meravigliosa nostro stomaco, che si è totalmente bloccatoooo!!!! ahahahaha...sarà stata l'emozione, ma siamo state il "limone" l'una dell'altra!! A niente served various remedies swollen stomach .... ... turbulent as they could ... including colic Lydia nn us ... but, not at all stops to laugh at this too! ahahahahah .....

Of course, we also have a mixture of cooked .... Lucania and Sicily and baked cakes, because my love had brought the necessary below .... even pdz !!!!... but this part, I leave it to the "head "....

Want to know what ??... Lidia Lidia's presence is VERY , inside and out, as they say its parts ... to say more ... .. . ... still more ASSAISSIMO ! And 'as such as I had always imagined it to ... well ... well ... we say more!!
In these wonderful days, beyond material things, we totally donate (anche se già lo sapevamo l'uno dell'altra) il nostro cuore ...
Ma le cose belle, si sa, durano poco e ben presto è arrivato il momento di lasciarci. Non riuscivamo a eravamo dette di non piangere, ma non ci siamo riuscite...
E' stata una giornata brutta...strana...è come se la casa si fosse svuotata di botto...sentivo nelle orecchie la sua voce e quella di Paolo e non vi dico l'indomani mattina!!! E' stato bruttissimo, non vederla spuntare, dalla porta della cucina, tutta arruffata e assonnata a darmi il buongiorno e il bacino...
Grazie , amore mio, per la meravigliosa sorpresa, a te e a Paolo. La tua amicizia è una delle cose più belle che I happened to be in recent years ... I feel rich!
Excuse me, dear friends, if I have dwelt, but it was worth, to participate my joy ...
I wish you all, heart, and try to feel first hand, at least once in your life, what does the 'FRIENDSHIP true, that with all uppercase letters, the sincere, unconditional, non-profit, no unnecessary words. ..
are no longer present in the blog, as before, but I read and I follow you always, even if I do not leave comments ... You are and will always be in my heart, because it is thanks to this world that I and we met Lidia. ..
Un bacio enorme e grazie per la pazienza, che avete avuto, di arrivare fino in fondo a questo racconto di amicizia-amore...
Alla prossima....Antonella
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