Cosaaaaaaa ???''
The Hot peppers stuffed ...... mmmmhhhhhh to do that ... goodness!
captivated by this gentle reminder, I approach the counter of the boys and I watch a pupacchio, pepper ;-).... that you understand and take quite a while! I hear the other auks
pupacchio: "Sign but sit 'safe'?? So fort na
plague !!!!" I look at him straight in the eye and say, "My mouth is my nun t 'concerns .... Pesala that I've got to escape!"
Just got the loot, return home and vaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .......... Lady Cocca is at work!
Clean ... empty ... fill mixes .... .... invaded. olia ....... ... and at the end of all this work have gone out to them
Hot peppers stuffed with oil
- 500 g Hot peppers round
- 200 g tuna in oil, drained 2 tablespoons capers in vinegar
- 4 salted anchovies (optional)
Ingredients for cooking chilli:
- 250 ml White wine vinegar 250 ml white wine
- 2 bay leaves 3 cloves
- 3 grains of Juniper
- 1 / 2 tablespoon of oregano
- 6 grains Pepe Joint
- salt
Method: Wash the
hot peppers, remove stems, Dig it up and empty it completely slowly eliminating all seeds. In a saucepan, pour the white wine, vinegar, spices and salt;
Bring to a boil and when he comes to a boil buttateci inside the peppers and cook for 3-4 minutes on low heat, then drain and place upside down on a towel or paper towel to dry all night, because more and more chilies are ASCII will last over time.
in a blender place the drained tuna, capers and anchovies chopped with a knife, and control everything for some seconds to ensure that they can blend the ingredients, being careful not to make a creamy tuna.
Now place the mixture into a bowl, mix it well and with the aid of a spoon, fill the peppers one by one.
If sealed properly will last for a year ....
We are very common in the south and are used as an appetizing ..... very good starter, you have to arm themselves just a lot of patience, and then .... good appetite .... ciaooooo Lady Cocca
I take this opportunity to report an initiative promoted by my beautiful treasure of Imma " Sweets galore "
Who does not know is ... loved by us all for its sweetness and I was lucky enough to be her friend is just a fantastic person and very sweet just like her blog!
Here is the first Blog Candy on the occasion of his second birthday blog
It could not choose a picture .... so sweet!
Lady Cocca
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