Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Point And Shoot Fast Shutter 2009

a bouquet of roses ..... FOR ME! Camy

 Buongiorno a tutte amiche, scusate la mia assenza, ma un brutto raffreddore mi ha bloccata in tutti i sensi, voglia di fare meno di zero, a questo stato influenzale si aggiungono altri pensieri che ti lasciano un amaro in bocca e ti tolgono ogni entusiasmo, ogni stimolo, ogni sorriso.....!!!
Purtroppo poi ti rendi conto che devi andare avanti e che ti stai Cesaronizzando perchè dalla tua bocca e nella tua mente gira solo una parola " Che Amarezza "!!!
Vabbè lasciamo da parte queste nuvole nere e torniamo us ....
As you read about in the previous two Sundays ago after Lady Cocca's birthday ..... 43 ... and ... it says that a woman should not tell her age, well, I'm proud to be a good conformist say it .... even the scream ... Quarantatreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!

It 's true the years pass, the thoughts are increasing but I feel like a youngster birbandella!! For
autofesteggiarmi, just like you, why do not you think no one ever surprise me ... no, in fact, all they always ask me: "Well then we prepare good ??"... so those who remain are increasingly frigate I !!.... and to answer this question, there was a little sweet and savory menu which was to be for 15, but in the end after several posted, eravamooooo ahhhhhhhhhhhh 25 .... and thank goodness that would seem to abound in preparing the pappatoria!
I had expected a small room ... .. 8 people and a buffet for the evening with a few close friends, but ... ... there was an assault with a few close friends were joined by some of the guys on my team volleyball, my foster kittens, which were placed on my couch at 17.30 and went off at 24.30 .... and at home with seven volleyball players ... a coach and a president do you think what could watch on TV? Volleyball volleyball ... but ... and I have also heard to say .. "Oh ... but sorry, there are the World .... eh!" Oh well, however overall it
stato uno stress preparare da sola tutto, ma alla fine è stata una bellissima serata passata a ridere e scherzare!!
Il menù comprendeva poche cose ma buone.....vi chiederete come faccio a dirlo, o che sono di parte?? No lo dico perchè si sono SPAZZOLATI  TUTTOOOOOOO e non ho avuto il tempo di fotografare niente....perdonatemi, vuol dire che le rifarò pian piano e le pubblichero'....
Ve le posso purtroppo solo elencare......

Menù salato:
  • Pizza
  • stuzzichini vari ( patatine, salatini,ecc )
  • Rustici con i wustell
  • girelle di pancarrè farcite
  • Plumcake salato
  • Taleggio a tocchetti
Sangria.... Coca Cola...vino ( rigorosamente Donna Lidia )...birra

Menù dolce:
and last but not least ....... YOU my cake .... ......

a beautiful bouquet of roses !

The interior is composed of many plans Red Velvet (total height 20 cm including the dome-zuccotto), filled with creamy chocolate ganache and strawberries, covered with butter cream and decorated in sugar paste!

Beautiful .. really nice!
He left everyone speechless, and for once I can say I was good!
Behind this beautiful bouquet there are days of preparation, I made many evenings roses ... roses and rose again .....

but the end result .... WOW ... Wonderful ... it seemed true!

was so much I had in mind this cake, and what better time my birthday?
So .....


And now ...... Some time to celebrate ...

caught in the kitchen ....

Lady Cocca and Princes


Forced to bite into the cake .... and much happiness!

And then .... the cut ...
The nice thing is that everyone did not want to open my ... "nooooooooo it's a shame !!"... ahahaha no .... and I finally cut ioooooooooooooooo!
Every cut was a wound to the heart ... but otherwise it had to be done .... birthday??
do not believe that I was capable of such cruelty? Noooo? Here's the evidence ... ahahahahah

Both work for ....
Destroy everything ....
note my expression intelligent and happy ... ahahahahah

and cutting .... e. ...!!
The thought of my foster kittens ...

with attached greeting cards, and real bastard!
Thanks guys!

So what do you think was a good party??
I think so yes ....
A big hug goes out to all my friends and familiani who have been with me on that day ... and a big thanks to you that you have left me good wishes in the previous post on Facebook ... ....
For all of you a great ....

indeed many Baciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Lady Cocca hello hello .....


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