Wednesday, April 29, 2009

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Thursday, April 9, 2009

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Real Estate Agents - You can subscribe if ... six

An individual or company that has the necessary requirements for enrollment in the role.
must be entered in the all those who conduct the business of mediation on behalf of companies organized - even as a company.
The Ombudsman may delegate functions relating to the exercise of mediation just another business agent mediation in writing in the role.
Abusive exercise of mediation
Article. 8 of L. No 39 of 02.03.1989, as amended, the pursuit of business agent in mediation without the inclusion in the Roll shall be punished with administrative fine of 7,500 to 15,000 €.
For those who have incurred three times in the penalty, even if they pay in discharge, apply the penalties provided for by. And Article 348 of the Penal Code. 2231 of the Civil Code.

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who is the real estate agent! New proposals

The real estate agent is a broker that deals with the exchange of real estate, mainly in the exchange sale or rent of housing, local new commercial and / or used and land as well as the sale or lease of aziende.L 'exercise of this activity is conditional upon entry to the Role of Agents Brokerage kept by the Chamber of Commercio.L' business agent in mediation (or, more simply, the mediator) is the one that connects two or more parties to conclude a deal, without being tied to any of them from working relationships, dependency or rappresentanza.Dal the mediator must be distinguished representative for consideration which is active in real estate, which was commissioned by one party, which only protects the interests and from which only èlegittimato to claim compenso.L 'Real Estate Agent registered in section A of the role, brings together all those involved in the sale, lease, sale of businesses and the Attorney in writing for consideration in Section C of the role, according to mandate managed properties in the name and behalf of the owners especially in the area of \u200b\u200bapartments and houses for holiday (tourism-real estate).
The whole activity is regulated by Law No. 39 of 1989 and subsequent additions and changes. References regulatory activities affecting the Articles. from 1754 to 1759 of the Civil Code.
The law imposed the obligation to join the unified role for the occasional exercise of activities of mediation, and established the incompatibility of the exercise of mediation with other professioni.D 'other hand, the second Bersani decree has simplified the paperwork for the registration of brokers to the chambers of commerce.
Decree Legislative Decree No. 2272 of 2007 repealing Article. 2 of Law February 3, 1989, No 39 and includes the requirement for a declaration of commencement of activities to engage in mediation. The preparation
professional real estate agent requires knowledge of fundamentals of many of the subjects that have relation to trade in real estate or business. The staff member is eligible for inclusion in the roles of experts and experts of the local chamber of commerce and the list of technical advisors of the court di competenza. E’ bene sottolineare che l'agente è tenuto al segreto professionale.
La forma più frequente di mediazione immobiliare ricorre nell'ausilio alla compravendita fra privati. Un incarico di vendita verifica la consistenza del bene esitato in vendita, ricerca un potenziale acquirente, ne riceve una proposta e rinvia le parti all'atto pubblico di compravendita.
Il diritto al compenso del mediatore (provvigione) matura già con l'accettazione della proposta di acquisto da parte del venditore ed in ogni caso in cui il mediatore abbia messo le parti in contatto fra di loro anche se la conclusione dell’affare è avvenuta successivamente. I codici deontologici emanati dalle associazioni di categoria suggeriscono all'agente to continue assistance to customers until the public deed of sale.
The preliminary contract may be drawn dall''agente real estate that led the parties to stipulate. Are similarly provided the assists for the lease, which culminate with the signing of a lease.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

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go to the session proposals and find some new real estate listings!

Monday, April 6, 2009

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Hello everyone! A quick post the latest news concerning a wonderful village / residence in Brazil and specifically in Fortaleza.
incredible investment in the fastest growing market worldwide. If anyone should require more info feel free to or call the number 335-6280259. soon greet you all!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

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Eurirs updated on 1/4/2009


1 year 1 , 62%
2 years 1.79%
3 years
2.11% 4 years 2.40%
5 years 2.63%
6 years 2.84%
7 years 3.01%
8 years
9 years 3.26%
10 years 3.37%
12 years 3.57%
15 years 3.76%
20 years 3.86%
25 years 3.77%
30 years 3.66%
40 years 3.51%
50 years 3.45%
EURIBOR updated on 1/4/2009




1 month 1, 1 1.12
2 months 1.31 1.33
3 mesi 1.5 1.52
4 mesi 1.57 1.59
5 mesi 1.61 1.63
6 Thank 1.66 1.68
7 mesi 1.69 1.71
8 Thank 1.71 1.73
9 mesi 1.73 1.75
10 mesi 1.75 1 , 78
11 mesi 1.78 1.8
12 months 1.8 1.83

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Our Company PDF Stampa E-mail

Pátio Dom Luiz - Torre corporate II Here you can find important information. The security and income you are looking for when buying a property or make an investment real estate.

By accessing the property, it is necessary that the client is helped by a competent professional. An expert in the complete market and above all, a person who is qualified to serve as a real estate agent and operates within the law. This qualification is awarded only by the regional commission of Realtors (CRECI). Our permit number is CRECI: 4582


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Asse.con is considered a benchmark for all who are interested in making real estate investments in Brazil by providing the most full support and best advice on the local area. The surplus provided by Asse.con is to raise awareness and make available all types of investment possible.

The knowledge of the area and types of investment, the experience gained on the various aspects that contribute to the real estate transaction allows us to provide our expertise in terms of:

complex commercial São Mateus
sales office with guaranteed annuities.
investment rating: Analysis of investment alternatives according to the needs / expectations del compratore,valutazione dell’attrattività dell’investimento in ottica di rivalutazione futura e redditività generabile.

Supporto all'investimento: Assistenza completa in tutte le fasi della transazione immobilare: individuazione dell’investimento, preparazione dei documenti necessari, trattativa, atto notarile e transazioni bancarie. È possibile portare a termine l’acquisto restando in italia o per chi volesse può recarsi in Brasile e condurre personalmente la transazione assistito da nostri agenti immobiliari accreditati.

Sicurezza dell'investimento: Garantiamo la completa sicurezza della transazione. Trattiamo solo real estate companies with solid and serious, accredited staff members have regular registration, land records and verify the number of each proposed well, have a lawyer who performs cadastral and mortgage before completing any transaction. Safety is a major challenge to those who are about to invest in any country that does not know.

management post-investment: Thanks to our local facility guarantee the rent of the property purchased and perform the administrative tasks of the property (tax payments, maintenance ...)

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construction projects already approved.
Forbes 2006: The well-known U.S. magazine Forbes, the authoritative voice in the world economy and famous for its rankings, placed Brazil in the first 6 best countries to invest ...

Where to invest: In this time is to be preferred to the North-East region (Maceio, Natal-Fortaleza) because the property prices start at much lower levels than in the south of Brazil, however, but the region presents the highest growth rates and it is certainly the area from a tourism point of view the most beautiful and greatest potential for the coming years.

on what to invest: short horizons (1-3 years): apartments or villas, preferably in construction and luxurious setting.
Timescale medium (3-5 years): land in areas of strong housing boom preferably with ocean view, commercial real estate (inns, shops)
long periods of time (5-10 years): land in areas adjacent to areas currently building expansion.
A small example: the land area of \u200b\u200bEusebius (15 km from Fortaleza to the inside) are gone in less than 4 years from a value per square meter of 4 reais to 40 reais today (... and are just beginning their ascent, since this is a new residential area listed but still cheap compared to the city).

stock or real estate? depends on the historical moment. The stock price is mainly characterized by a mix of factors determined by the cycle of expansion and the economic environment. Nobody has a crystal ball but you can still proceed by logical deduction: the expansion cycle lasts an average of 5 years of the awards. The Bovespa has super-Perform stock indices worldwide quadrupling its value over the past 5 years and has grown steadily for 4 years. But be careful to
Exchanges near future. The Bovespa like all the world's financial markets are linked with the umbilical cord to the American economy. The cycle is said that the world stock markets are in upswing since 2002 and have passed the peak. The economic situation shows U.S. economy slowing, interest rates are rising and bonds have reached attractive returns without risk. Usually investors "switch" the flow of capital from shares to bonds when they can get attractive returns zero risk. In conclusion, the yield to whom is going to enter the BOVESPA today could not be more appropriate to the risk of the investment ... at least for the near future.

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Why Brazil
Revaluation: opinion is widely held that the property market in Europe and the United States has now reached the apex of the growth cycle in recent years. The prices are very high, some people talk about "housing bubble" but it is more reasonable to think that property prices will remain stable in the coming years. In Brazil, instead of the real estate market is just at the beginning of the boom, prices are low and the forecast for the future revaluation are considerable.

Low transaction costs: Very low cost impact accessories (state taxes, notary fees and commissions). This situation makes it possible to allocate almost all of the invested capital to the actual value of real estate as opposed to what happens in Italy and especially for second homes.

Easy and safe: few years Brazil has been opened to foreign investment that are increasingly seen favorably. This allows you to easily buy any kind of real estate. You do not need a certificate of residence or opening a bank account on the spot. Just a receipt for Brazil (CPF) easily obtainable from Italy. Il Brasile è cresciuto negli ultimi anni anche dal punto della sicurezza della transazione. I tempi del far west dove si vendevano sulla carta fantomatici terreni sparsi in qualche angolo della foresta amazzonica sono alquanto lontani. L’acquisto avviene solo in presenza di contratti giuridicamente perfetti, basta “ovviamente” farsi assistere da professionisti seri.

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Favolosa villa da sogno sul mare.
B di... BRIC: Da qualche tempo si è affermato un nuovo termine nella nomenclatura economico-finanziaria. BRIC sta per “Brasile Russia India Cina” ovvero i paesi emergenti most promising in the world scenario. In reality beyond the simple acronym, there is a deeper meaning for which it was decided to bring together this group of countries. The structure of their economies and great potential only partially expressed these countries make the likely economic powers in the future, resulting in a redefinition of the geopolitical scenarios. Suffice it to say that more and more banks (see ABN AMRO) are entering the financial market products that invest exclusively in the countries of BRIC. Whether we like it or not believe the future is already there.

numbers in Brazil: With a GDP of U.S. $ 960 billion is currently the eighth world economy over that the first economic power of South America. The huge availability of increasingly precious raw materials make sure that Brazil is a star of the future economic scenarios. World's largest producer of coffee, oranges, cocoa and sugar (which yields the energy source of the future, ethanol) and second largest producer of iron and soy (from which we get the other energy resource of the future, biodiesel). The key economic indicators are positive. In recent years the political situation has stabilized (Lula's second term), the financial situation is clearly improving, exports up sharply (+17.1%), the trade balance surplus (+46 billion U.S. $) the debito pubblico (al 51% del PIL) ed il tasso di inflazione (3,14%) sono sotto controllo. L’indice borsistico BOVESPA ha quadruplicato il suo valore negli ultimi 5 anni (nello stesso periodo il Dow Jones ha registrato un aumento del 20%). Tutto questo si riflette nella forza valutaria delle moneta nazionale. Quello che era considerato il “debole” Real negli ultimi 3 anni si è apprezzato del 50% sul dollaro americano e del 30% sul super-euro. In realtà l’economia brasiliana si sta avvicinando sempre più rapidamente alle storiche potenze economiche mondiali. Per tutti questi motivi non ci vuole un azzardato spirito pionieristico per ritenere che un buon investimento immobiliare, effettuabile in questo momento ancora a prezzi content is more than a good bet on the future.

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  • CASE A client does not have CPF
  • customers buy without going to Brazil for the signing notary
  1. Locating real estate (land, apartment, office ...) and sale agreement on price
  2. Owner Brazil prepares PRELIMINARY AGREEMENT in Portuguese by Brazilian brokerage firm.
  3. the preliminary contract is mailed to the intermediary intermediary Brazilian and Italian press that it offers to the customer for signature in duplicate.
  4. Enter the preliminary contract signed in duplicate in Brazil Brazilian intermediary by mail (UPS,FEDEX)
  5. Il proprietario firma il contratto insieme ai due testimoni (intermediari brasiliani)
  6. Il CONTRATTO PRELIMINARE viene scannerizzato, inviato via mail x verifica e contemporaneamente anche inviato in Italia via posta per essere conservato dal compratore.
  7. Il compratore versa l’anticipo pattuito sul contratto (Banca-Banca) tramite bonifico direttamente sul conto del Venditore. Copia del bonifico deve essere scannerizzata ed inviata via mail all’intermediario brasiliano.
  8. Il Venditore incassa l’anticipo e scannerizza ricevuta dell’accredito con il cambio effettuato.La ricevuta va poi inviata via mail all’intermediario italiano che la gira al compratore.
  9. Il compratore (non recandosi in Brasile x firma rogito) deve quindi fare una procura notarile semplice in ITALIANO dove viene specificato il bene comprato, il procuratore con potere di firma solo x l’acquisto del bene oggetto del contratto preliminare. Inoltre sulla stessa procura si autorizza il procuratore brasiliano (che è poi l’intermediario immobiliare accreditato) a richiedere il CPF direttamente in Brasile. La procura deve essere poi autenticata dal notaio stesso presso l’organo competente x il riconoscimento della firma.
  10. Il compratore deve fare una copia del suo passaporto autenticato in QUESTURA.
  11. La procura autenticata ed il passaporto autenticato devono essere ENTRAMBI legalizzati presso consolato Brazilian Milan or Rome.
  12. Attorney and passport are shipped to Brazil Brazilian intermediary by mail (UPS, FEDEX)
  13. In Brazil, the attorney should be translated into Portuguese by an official translator authorized by the Brazilian state. Only in this way is valid for legal documents.
  14. In Brazil, it is requested and issued CPF (tax is a number) to the Receita FEDERAL, in reality it can obtain through the Brazilian Consulate of Italy but is highly discouraged because it takes months (indeterminable exact time) and also some cost, while Brazil has no cost.
  15. documents are prepared for the ACT Deed of sale at a local notary. Before
  16. of the deed must be paid by BANK-BANK BALANCE always transfer directly through the Seller's account. A copy of the transfer should be scanned and sent by mail to the intermediary in Brazil.
  17. Buyer collects and scans the advance received accreditation with the change effettuato.La receipt should then be emailed to the intermediary Italian who runs to the buyer.
  18. simultaneously with the first payment of the deed, should be sent to that transaction costs generally consist of: deed, tax registration ITBI, ITPU fee. These costs should not be sent to the account the seller, but usually on behalf of the prosecutor or by bank transfer or Western Union.
  19. Once you have verified the arrival of money the attorney signing the document on behalf of the Buyer.
  20. Since the change can not be determined exactly or transfer any surplus in the absence (it is better to exceed a little because otherwise you lose time later) is then adjusted during the deed. OFFICIAL
  21. the deed is then sent in registration with the competent body in Brazil that puts stamp (time 1-2 months) and is then sent back to Italy to the buyer who retains.

If the compratore sia già in possesso di CPF i passi 10 e 14 non sono necessari
Qualora il compratore si recasse direttamente in Brasile per la firma senza procuratrice i passi 9,10,11,12,13,14 non sono necessari. Il compratore deve recarsi comunque solo quando i documenti sono pronti ed entro solitamente 45 gg dal Contratto preliminare.

  • Non è necessario né possibile aprire conto corrente in Brasile per cittadino straniero
  • Per acquistare come società (tassazione migliore) è necessario aprire una filiale controllata della società estera in Brasile o aprire una società nuova(più semplice).E’ necessario quindi che rappresentante legale (nel primo caso) o i soci stessi (secondo caso) si rechino in Brasile
  • Tassazione per persona fisica (27% su plusvalenza dichiarata), per società max il 15%
  • Tasse di acquisto sono circa il 4/5% del valore della transazione.
  • Costo medio di procura notarile più legalizzazione consolare è 160 euro, spedizione via UPS express 50 euro
  • Esiste una sola tassa annuale di possesso (ITPU) su qualsiasi bene immobiliare e solitamente è molto contenuta, non come in Europa.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

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NOTE VARIE su beni immobiliari in BRASILE.
  • Ogni terreno, appartamento, bene commerciale venduto deve essere verificato mediante le seguenti visure: State debt of the seller and close relatives. Verification Mortgage-related asset. In the case of land and ground verification of the existence of any freshman records Capion use, testing different building rights or restrictions (such as nature reserves exist within the real estate, property, marine, etc ...)
  • for apartments under construction in Brazil. MANUFACTURERS GUARANTEE WITH NO WARRANTY. So it depends on the expertise of the vendor to understand if the project is safe. So it is better to turn to qualified intermediaries and not to do it yourself.
  • Private ownership in Brazil is super GUARANTEED, no less than in Europe. The leases themselves are serious, accurate and the landlord is much more protected by law in relation to tenant, but unlike other countries such as France.
  • Brazil is not a tax haven, it is not blacklisted by any State, is a serious country and clean, with a serious law, the Banco do Brasil occurs every movement of money. If you are investing in Brazil must be aware that they are putting their money on an economy emerging from the great future and great potential of appreciation. Those who have an investment idea as a ploy so you do not pay no tax and it is fully legitimate and possible, or where they provide "mysterious pensions" there are many were more suitable. (Panama, Dubai ... ..)
  • Brazil is not an easy country to invest, and, paradoxically, it is not easy precisely because it seems. Many foreigners have taken huge blunders, sometimes even fraud, as many investors have made huge fortunes in a few years buying land that was worth a little cash and assets have now become millionaires. The difference is the expertise, experience and above all honesty. If you go to Brazil often had the impression of being in a country where everything is simple enough to do and where to vacation in Bermuda shorts and buy something for a bit of luck. It is not as it seems! Many unwary or inexperienced investors in passato hanno preso autentiche batoste, perché magari hanno comprato terreni senza verificare che non erano proprietà di chi li stava vendendo, o magari perché si sono fidati della fidanzata conosciuta la sera prima, tornano nei paesi di origine denigrando il Brasile verso i conoscenti, in realtà per coprire il fatto che sono stati loro stessi incapaci. Gli affari veri non sono quelli che vi vengono proposti dal marito della sorella della fidanzata brasiliana…Gli affari veri li hanno in mano solo pochi, solo società di intermediazione referenziate, gli studi legali capaci di operare ai massimi livelli, con agganci politici.
  • LE FALSE CREDENZE SUL BRASILE: Il Brasile è un paese mitico per molti, esotico, lontano, but magic is also a country full of contradictions and perhaps because of it lends itself to different interpretations of some of them wrong, other anachronistic. Many people know only to Brazil for the carnival, soccer players, dancers and Brazilian favelas. It's like saying that Italy is only pizza, mafia and mandolin: it is a bit 'simplistic to say the offensive.
I was 10 years ago in Brazil and is a poor and backward country: Over the past 10 years, Brazil has changed dramatically, especially from an economic point of view. Now Brazil is the 10th economy in the world (Italy is the 9th) with the difference that the former is growing dramatically so that is expected to be the 4th in the world economy in a few years.
The Brazilian middle class has grown considerably and now has a standard of living comparable if not better middle-class Italian or French but they are sinking. Fiat sells more cars in Brazil and in Italy. Brazil is the richest country in the world of raw materials, which will become increasingly important and increasingly strategic. The world is changing rapidly, and even human and economic capital are moving into the emerging BRIC economies which are inevitably the future.
About 10 years ago, in addition to notice the obvious poverty in Brazil, maybe even had the insight to buy a land in Brazil by paying a few bucks hours would make you jump for joy, this is the only sure thing.

Brazil is like Argentina ... we risk losing our money ... BOT better
The situation is not remotely comparable. The Argentine government failed because the politicians of that time had the wicked idea to peg the local currency to the dollar at a moment in history when the dollar was very strong. Exports to Argentina where he lived, were stifled domestic economy imploded. The fact that Argentina is now the geographically bordering Brazil does not really mean anything. The reality is that Brazil is an economy solidissima e molto più resistente rispetto a quella italiana.
Qualche numero AGGIORNATO sul Brasile e qualcuno sull’Italia:
PIL 2007 Brasile 5,4% PIL 2007 Italia 1,3%
Debito pubblico (la vera bomba che porta al fallimento di uno stato, con conseguenza che i titoli di stato non vengano più rimborsati, così come avvenne per l’Argentina) :
Brasile 35% PIL (in trend decrescente)
Italia 108% (in trend crescente)
Qual è lo stato più vicino all’Argentina?