Thursday, April 2, 2009

Upconverting Receiver


Asse.con is considered a benchmark for all who are interested in making real estate investments in Brazil by providing the most full support and best advice on the local area. The surplus provided by Asse.con is to raise awareness and make available all types of investment possible.

The knowledge of the area and types of investment, the experience gained on the various aspects that contribute to the real estate transaction allows us to provide our expertise in terms of:

complex commercial São Mateus
sales office with guaranteed annuities.
investment rating: Analysis of investment alternatives according to the needs / expectations del compratore,valutazione dell’attrattività dell’investimento in ottica di rivalutazione futura e redditività generabile.

Supporto all'investimento: Assistenza completa in tutte le fasi della transazione immobilare: individuazione dell’investimento, preparazione dei documenti necessari, trattativa, atto notarile e transazioni bancarie. È possibile portare a termine l’acquisto restando in italia o per chi volesse può recarsi in Brasile e condurre personalmente la transazione assistito da nostri agenti immobiliari accreditati.

Sicurezza dell'investimento: Garantiamo la completa sicurezza della transazione. Trattiamo solo real estate companies with solid and serious, accredited staff members have regular registration, land records and verify the number of each proposed well, have a lawyer who performs cadastral and mortgage before completing any transaction. Safety is a major challenge to those who are about to invest in any country that does not know.

management post-investment: Thanks to our local facility guarantee the rent of the property purchased and perform the administrative tasks of the property (tax payments, maintenance ...)


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