Thursday, April 2, 2009

Flashbookanimation Characters

Residence Caramel Apartments Atlantic
Why Brazil
Revaluation: opinion is widely held that the property market in Europe and the United States has now reached the apex of the growth cycle in recent years. The prices are very high, some people talk about "housing bubble" but it is more reasonable to think that property prices will remain stable in the coming years. In Brazil, instead of the real estate market is just at the beginning of the boom, prices are low and the forecast for the future revaluation are considerable.

Low transaction costs: Very low cost impact accessories (state taxes, notary fees and commissions). This situation makes it possible to allocate almost all of the invested capital to the actual value of real estate as opposed to what happens in Italy and especially for second homes.

Easy and safe: few years Brazil has been opened to foreign investment that are increasingly seen favorably. This allows you to easily buy any kind of real estate. You do not need a certificate of residence or opening a bank account on the spot. Just a receipt for Brazil (CPF) easily obtainable from Italy. Il Brasile è cresciuto negli ultimi anni anche dal punto della sicurezza della transazione. I tempi del far west dove si vendevano sulla carta fantomatici terreni sparsi in qualche angolo della foresta amazzonica sono alquanto lontani. L’acquisto avviene solo in presenza di contratti giuridicamente perfetti, basta “ovviamente” farsi assistere da professionisti seri.

Mansão Porto das Dunas
Favolosa villa da sogno sul mare.
B di... BRIC: Da qualche tempo si è affermato un nuovo termine nella nomenclatura economico-finanziaria. BRIC sta per “Brasile Russia India Cina” ovvero i paesi emergenti most promising in the world scenario. In reality beyond the simple acronym, there is a deeper meaning for which it was decided to bring together this group of countries. The structure of their economies and great potential only partially expressed these countries make the likely economic powers in the future, resulting in a redefinition of the geopolitical scenarios. Suffice it to say that more and more banks (see ABN AMRO) are entering the financial market products that invest exclusively in the countries of BRIC. Whether we like it or not believe the future is already there.

numbers in Brazil: With a GDP of U.S. $ 960 billion is currently the eighth world economy over that the first economic power of South America. The huge availability of increasingly precious raw materials make sure that Brazil is a star of the future economic scenarios. World's largest producer of coffee, oranges, cocoa and sugar (which yields the energy source of the future, ethanol) and second largest producer of iron and soy (from which we get the other energy resource of the future, biodiesel). The key economic indicators are positive. In recent years the political situation has stabilized (Lula's second term), the financial situation is clearly improving, exports up sharply (+17.1%), the trade balance surplus (+46 billion U.S. $) the debito pubblico (al 51% del PIL) ed il tasso di inflazione (3,14%) sono sotto controllo. L’indice borsistico BOVESPA ha quadruplicato il suo valore negli ultimi 5 anni (nello stesso periodo il Dow Jones ha registrato un aumento del 20%). Tutto questo si riflette nella forza valutaria delle moneta nazionale. Quello che era considerato il “debole” Real negli ultimi 3 anni si è apprezzato del 50% sul dollaro americano e del 30% sul super-euro. In realtà l’economia brasiliana si sta avvicinando sempre più rapidamente alle storiche potenze economiche mondiali. Per tutti questi motivi non ci vuole un azzardato spirito pionieristico per ritenere che un buon investimento immobiliare, effettuabile in questo momento ancora a prezzi content is more than a good bet on the future.


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