NOTE VARIE su beni immobiliari in BRASILE.
- Ogni terreno, appartamento, bene commerciale venduto deve essere verificato mediante le seguenti visure: State debt of the seller and close relatives. Verification Mortgage-related asset. In the case of land and ground verification of the existence of any freshman records Capion use, testing different building rights or restrictions (such as nature reserves exist within the real estate, property, marine, etc ...)
- for apartments under construction in Brazil. MANUFACTURERS GUARANTEE WITH NO WARRANTY. So it depends on the expertise of the vendor to understand if the project is safe. So it is better to turn to qualified intermediaries and not to do it yourself.
- Private ownership in Brazil is super GUARANTEED, no less than in Europe. The leases themselves are serious, accurate and the landlord is much more protected by law in relation to tenant, but unlike other countries such as France.
- Brazil is not a tax haven, it is not blacklisted by any State, is a serious country and clean, with a serious law, the Banco do Brasil occurs every movement of money. If you are investing in Brazil must be aware that they are putting their money on an economy emerging from the great future and great potential of appreciation. Those who have an investment idea as a ploy so you do not pay no tax and it is fully legitimate and possible, or where they provide "mysterious pensions" there are many were more suitable. (Panama, Dubai ... ..)
- Brazil is not an easy country to invest, and, paradoxically, it is not easy precisely because it seems. Many foreigners have taken huge blunders, sometimes even fraud, as many investors have made huge fortunes in a few years buying land that was worth a little cash and assets have now become millionaires. The difference is the expertise, experience and above all honesty. If you go to Brazil often had the impression of being in a country where everything is simple enough to do and where to vacation in Bermuda shorts and buy something for a bit of luck. It is not as it seems! Many unwary or inexperienced investors in passato hanno preso autentiche batoste, perché magari hanno comprato terreni senza verificare che non erano proprietà di chi li stava vendendo, o magari perché si sono fidati della fidanzata conosciuta la sera prima, tornano nei paesi di origine denigrando il Brasile verso i conoscenti, in realtà per coprire il fatto che sono stati loro stessi incapaci. Gli affari veri non sono quelli che vi vengono proposti dal marito della sorella della fidanzata brasiliana…Gli affari veri li hanno in mano solo pochi, solo società di intermediazione referenziate, gli studi legali capaci di operare ai massimi livelli, con agganci politici.
- LE FALSE CREDENZE SUL BRASILE: Il Brasile è un paese mitico per molti, esotico, lontano, but magic is also a country full of contradictions and perhaps because of it lends itself to different interpretations of some of them wrong, other anachronistic. Many people know only to Brazil for the carnival, soccer players, dancers and Brazilian favelas. It's like saying that Italy is only pizza, mafia and mandolin: it is a bit 'simplistic to say the offensive.
The Brazilian middle class has grown considerably and now has a standard of living comparable if not better middle-class Italian or French but they are sinking. Fiat sells more cars in Brazil and in Italy. Brazil is the richest country in the world of raw materials, which will become increasingly important and increasingly strategic. The world is changing rapidly, and even human and economic capital are moving into the emerging BRIC economies which are inevitably the future.
About 10 years ago, in addition to notice the obvious poverty in Brazil, maybe even had the insight to buy a land in Brazil by paying a few bucks hours would make you jump for joy, this is the only sure thing.
Brazil is like Argentina ... we risk losing our money ... BOT better
The situation is not remotely comparable. The Argentine government failed because the politicians of that time had the wicked idea to peg the local currency to the dollar at a moment in history when the dollar was very strong. Exports to Argentina where he lived, were stifled domestic economy imploded. The fact that Argentina is now the geographically bordering Brazil does not really mean anything. The reality is that Brazil is an economy solidissima e molto più resistente rispetto a quella italiana.
Qualche numero AGGIORNATO sul Brasile e qualcuno sull’Italia:
PIL 2007 Brasile 5,4% PIL 2007 Italia 1,3%
Debito pubblico (la vera bomba che porta al fallimento di uno stato, con conseguenza che i titoli di stato non vengano più rimborsati, così come avvenne per l’Argentina) :
Brasile 35% PIL (in trend decrescente)
Italia 108% (in trend crescente)
Qual è lo stato più vicino all’Argentina?
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