Thursday, April 9, 2009

Refurbished Dvd Recorders

who is the real estate agent! New proposals

The real estate agent is a broker that deals with the exchange of real estate, mainly in the exchange sale or rent of housing, local new commercial and / or used and land as well as the sale or lease of aziende.L 'exercise of this activity is conditional upon entry to the Role of Agents Brokerage kept by the Chamber of Commercio.L' business agent in mediation (or, more simply, the mediator) is the one that connects two or more parties to conclude a deal, without being tied to any of them from working relationships, dependency or rappresentanza.Dal the mediator must be distinguished representative for consideration which is active in real estate, which was commissioned by one party, which only protects the interests and from which only èlegittimato to claim compenso.L 'Real Estate Agent registered in section A of the role, brings together all those involved in the sale, lease, sale of businesses and the Attorney in writing for consideration in Section C of the role, according to mandate managed properties in the name and behalf of the owners especially in the area of \u200b\u200bapartments and houses for holiday (tourism-real estate).
The whole activity is regulated by Law No. 39 of 1989 and subsequent additions and changes. References regulatory activities affecting the Articles. from 1754 to 1759 of the Civil Code.
The law imposed the obligation to join the unified role for the occasional exercise of activities of mediation, and established the incompatibility of the exercise of mediation with other professioni.D 'other hand, the second Bersani decree has simplified the paperwork for the registration of brokers to the chambers of commerce.
Decree Legislative Decree No. 2272 of 2007 repealing Article. 2 of Law February 3, 1989, No 39 and includes the requirement for a declaration of commencement of activities to engage in mediation. The preparation
professional real estate agent requires knowledge of fundamentals of many of the subjects that have relation to trade in real estate or business. The staff member is eligible for inclusion in the roles of experts and experts of the local chamber of commerce and the list of technical advisors of the court di competenza. E’ bene sottolineare che l'agente è tenuto al segreto professionale.
La forma più frequente di mediazione immobiliare ricorre nell'ausilio alla compravendita fra privati. Un incarico di vendita verifica la consistenza del bene esitato in vendita, ricerca un potenziale acquirente, ne riceve una proposta e rinvia le parti all'atto pubblico di compravendita.
Il diritto al compenso del mediatore (provvigione) matura già con l'accettazione della proposta di acquisto da parte del venditore ed in ogni caso in cui il mediatore abbia messo le parti in contatto fra di loro anche se la conclusione dell’affare è avvenuta successivamente. I codici deontologici emanati dalle associazioni di categoria suggeriscono all'agente to continue assistance to customers until the public deed of sale.
The preliminary contract may be drawn dall''agente real estate that led the parties to stipulate. Are similarly provided the assists for the lease, which culminate with the signing of a lease.


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