Wednesday, December 22, 2010

My Camera Is A Canon Xsi

a sweet ...... CHRISTMAS FROM LADY stubborn!!

In these busy days do not have time to browse through friends, but I assure you that you are all in my heart ...
I wanted to do a post with the delights of Christmas but I just can not believe me, the tiredness and the frantic rush of these days I take away every quiet moment ....
is why I decided this morning to let a few lines, but full of affection for all of us ....
I pray with all the heart a wonderful Christmas!
that gives you great peace and joy ...
I embrace you all with all the affection you
Lady Cocca
for some sweet Christmas, I refer you here .. .


Biscuits decorated

A baciooooooooooo and AUGURIIIIIIIIIIII

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


We are all struggling with the Christmas preparations, and I propose to you today for your cute ideuzze piccoli pensieri, idee dolci da regalare a chi vi sta più a cuore!!!

Immaginate la faccia di chi riceve un pacchettino così, bello dolce e colorato!!!

Sono semplicissimi da fare dovete solo armarvi di tanta ma tanta pazienza e scatenare la fantasia!!!!
La base è una semplice frolla bianca ( la ricetta la trovate qui ) , frolla al cioccolato e una pasta speziata al miele fantastica, trovata qui da loro and I immediately fell in love both the beauty and goodness that I wanted them again too!!
For molds I used the molds of Guardini , and the decoration of sugar paste Decorate ...
The result? This ....

shortbread biscuits decorated

shortbread biscuits decorated

Biscotti decorati Per un dolce Natale
Hearts Christmas
Pasta Spicy Honey

  • 150 g of sugar cane (Muscovado)
  • 500 g flour 00 g butter 150
  • 120 g of cocoa
  • 250 ml of liquid honey
  • 2 small eggs 1 teaspoon baking powder a pinch of salt
  • orange and lemon peel grated
  • Vanilla
  • mixed spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, pee, groundnuts carnation ... I I used the track, mixed spices) in the proportions according to taste.
Knead in the mixer the butter and sugar, then add eggs, salt, spices and the flour sifted with baking powder. Let
stir briefly and add the honey and cold fluid, cocoa and the rest of the flour.
will get a soft dough, do not add more flour, wrap in plastic wrap and store in refrigerator for a few hours, I have prepared the night before was perfect!
In this way the dough is soft and not sticky. If
if it were still (very rare) add a little bit of flour. Roll out the dough
hours helping even with very little flour or cocoa in order to prevent baking cookies have white streaks.
roll it out until you reach a thickness of half an inch, cut out the cookies that you like Conle molds and bake at 180 ° C for about 10-12 min.
be careful because it is dark the dough you see when you singe so be careful not to overcook.
Once you are ready let it cool and go to the decoration.

I immediately loved this .... wonderful .... thanks girls!

and this ...

and yet this .....

wonderful .....

And now I leave you a gallery of photos from where you can make some good points and ....

A little tins with the pastry spicy ...

and others with white chocolate pastry

I hope that it did help, that there is some ideuzza coming ... in the meantime I send you a hug to tutteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Hello Hello Lady Cocca

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How Do You Shoot Depth Of Field On A Camera


Christmas is coming and we are all struggling with various gifts and preparations!
Gia 'is expected to table, how to decorate, what to cook .... and why not think of a fine meal or placeholder very, very much ....... and I assure you .... let me go mmmmmhhhhhh .... Sinful CHOCOLATE??

I must say that Francis (Sponge) , in terms of cupcake is simply the best we can be, is a strength, the whiz ... my cup to him, now, it's simply "love cup Cup." ...." Forgive me but now I'll include your Koala ... hahaha "
Seriously though revenue in its World not leave him! These are his
Devil's food cupcake ... divine ... melt in your mouth ... ... mmmmhhhhh a feeling of pure chocolate .... chocolate .. so ... strong enough to awaken any sense why they are, as he says, a bad Diabolicoooooo !!!!!!

the triple chocolate

for 16-18 cupcakes Ingredients:
  • 38 grams of cocoa powder
  • 90 ml of hot water
  • 90 grams of flour cake
  • 90 grams of flour 00
  • 5 grams of sodium bicarbonate
  • 5 g of yeast
  • 7 grams of salt
  • 180 grams of butter
  • 225 grams of sugar
  • 2 large eggs, at room temperature
  • 9 ml vanilla extract
  • 120 ml cream
Method: Preheat the
oven to 180 degrees.
Line a muffin pan (I used 12 of the mold Guardini ) with paper cups and set aside.
In a bowl mix the cocoa powder and warm water until creamy smooth and homogeneous.
In another bowl sift the flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt.
Dissolve the butter with the sugar in a saucepan over medium heat and stir until the ingredients combine.
Remove the pan from heat and pour the mixture into the bowl of the Ken (or hand). A
average speed and with the flat beater, mix until everything has cooled, plus or minus 4 or 5 minutes.
Now add the eggs one at a time, stirring to incorporate them and scraping sides of bowl with a spatola per amalgamare bene.
Unite la vaniglia e la crema di cioccolato e mescolate bene.
Abbassate la velocità del mixer a lenta, ed incorpate la farina in 2 volte, alternandole con la panna da cucina, e mescolando solo fino a quando gli ingredienti si siano appena amalgamati.
Dividete il composto nei i pirottini, riempiteli per 3/4, infornate e lasciate cuocere per circa 20 minuti. Trasferite la teglia su di una griglia e lasciate raffreddare per 15 minuti.
Rimuovete i cupcake con l’aiuto di una forchetta e fateli raffreddare completamente.
Una volta freddi passate alla decorazione con il frosting al cioccolato ....

Chocolate Frosting:

  • 15 grams of cocoa powder
  • 60 ml of boiling water
  • 240 g butter at room temperature
  • 40 grams of sugar powdered, sifted
  • a pinch of salt
  • 340 grams of chocolate pieces, melted in the microwave and cooled

the United cocoa to boiling water, stir until when the cocoa is dissolved.
With Ken (flat beater) or by hand, mixed with speed medium-high, butter, sugar and salt until the mixture is foamy and light.
Lower speed and add the melted chocolate and cool, mix together until it is balanced, clean the edges of the bowl to make sure that all ingredients are combined. Now add the cocoa mixture and the frosting is ready for use.
Store in refrigerator up to 5 days before using it to return it to room temperature and mix again until it is smooth again.

Or you can decorate it with sugar paste .... freeing your imagination!

The result will be fantastic either way!
I've prepared them for a friend but they are certainly going on my Christmas table ..... How about you enjoy

Ciaooooooooooooooooooooo a kiss to all and all!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Rotronic Logistic Treiber


In the previous post I talked about my friend and his request for cute cupcake, if you remember I wrote as much as 6 different subjects .... then after the bee in bloom, enjoy this overview of the sweetest animals, the other a nicer (the dogs I saw them recently on the net ... it was love at first sight!)

The cupcake recipes are the same written Here, I can only tell you that .....
Enjoy !!!!!

Two sweet puppies ...
A Buldog and his drumstick
him again ...
Poldino the puppy of my head ... A tender Dachshund
him again ...
both with close neighbors ...
Frogs Snails ... ... Ladybirds and Butterflies
A young snail and its coccinellina
still tender her ...
A small frog in his pond ...
still her ...
together between butterflies and ladybugs
What do you think ... or not .... troooooppppppooooooooo teneriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii me crazy!
Ciaoooooooo the next Lady Cocca

Monday, November 22, 2010

Pernicious Anaemia Investigations

??..... NO FALL IN HOUSE AND LADY COCCA 'PRIMAVERAAAA ..... SWEET CUPCAKE IN BLOOM! Vanilla cupcake and the Devil's Food Cupcake

raining outside for days, but in my kitchen is primaveraaaaaaaaaaaa!!
flowers bloom ... fly little bee .... I feel so Heidi in his fields in bloom ... but I miss the kid ...;-)...
Some days ago a friend of mine told me: "What a nice cup of me make them?" This question
whole body began to move .... brain ... hands ... so I lit the famous bulb, I had to do 12, then 6 different subjects, and these are the first bee ... .

Too cute ....
The cupcake recipe is to sponge , Francesco is the magician of the cupcake!
The recipes can be found HERE (or here ).... and HERE ..... try them because they are simply divine, melt in your mouth!

Francesco's recipe is the dough that includes chocolate frosting .... simply sinful!!

cupcake with vanilla and triple chocolate ( Devil's food cupcake )

Ingredients for 16-18 cupcake:
  • 38 grams of cocoa powder
  • 90 ml of hot water
  • 90 gr di farina per dolci
  • 90 gr di farina 00
  • 5 gr di bicarbonato di sodio
  • 5 gr di lievito per dolci
  • 7 gr di sale fino
  • 180 gr di burro
  • 225 gr di zucchero
  • 2 uova grandi, a temperatura ambiente
  • 9 ml di estratto di vaniglia
  • 120 ml di panna da cucina
Riscaldate il forno a 180°.
Foderate una teglia per muffin coi pirottini di carta e mettetela da parte.
In una ciotola miscelate il cacao in polvere e l’acqua calda fino ad ottenere una crema liscia ed omogenea.
In un’altra ciotola setacciate la farina, il bicarbonato di sodio, il lievito ed il sale.
Sciolgliete il burro assieme allo zucchero in un pentolino a fuoco medio e mescolate fino ad unire gli ingredienti.
Togliete il pentolino dal fuoco e versate il composto nella ciotola del Ken ( o a mano ) .
A velocità media e con la frusta piatta, mescolate fino a quando il tutto si sia raffreddato, più o meno 4 o 5 minuti.
A questo punto aggiungete le uova, una alla volta, mescolando per farle incorporarle e raschiando i lati della ciotola con una spatola per amalgamare bene.
Unite la vaniglia e la crema di cioccolato e mix well.
Lower the mixer speed to slow, and incorporated the flour in 2 times, alternating with the cream, and stir just until the ingredients are just combined.
Divide the mixture into the baking cups, fill 3 / 4 full, bake and cook for about 20 minutes. Transfer the pan on a wire rack and let cool for 15 minutes.
Remove the cupcakes with the help of a fork and let cool completely.
It 's a classic with the chocolate frosting .... find the recipe HERE .
I assure you that they are divinely good indeed, as I said Francesco .... Peccaminosiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
in this caso non ho fatto il frosting ma ho usato decorazioni in pdz ma credetemi sono ottimi e bellissimi anche così.....

 Spero vi siano piaciuti.....Ciaoooooooooooooooo Lady